Tag Archives: feedback

Advocating Off the Online World

This weekend I was lucky enough to attned Planned Parenthood Advocates of VA’s annual student organizing conference.  This year it was held on colonial Williamsburg on the campus of William & Mary, though actually we didn’t see any of the city or campus because we were in fascinating and motivating workshops all day.

I ended up there because of the intersections of a lot of things that, actually, have to do with my online social networking and my off-line political opinions.  As a board member of H*yas for Choice, a former Planned Parenthood intern in SD, and a current member of the Planned Parenthood of VA and Planned Parenthood Action Network list-serves I get a lot of information about upcoming events.

Unlike the Obama campaign, which overloaded me with information way, way too frequently, all these organizations send me different messages about the same bill/candidate/issue/etc.  This is pretty amazing– it makes sense though, since each affiliate group has a unique perspective based on their particular situation.  H*yas for Choice also has a specific viewpoint that goes out over their list serve. Continue reading

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Filed under Pro-Choice, Social Networking